
Scalable support, built for humans.

The next evolution of support is community-driven. Meet the new way for software businesses to provide incredible customer service.

Your customers don't want AI bots

Your users want immediate support, and you want a support team that gets more efficient as you grow.

But your users certainly don't want to negotiate with a frustrating chatbot that can't quite get it right. It's time to rethink software support.

They want answers

Your users want answers to their questions that are comprehensive and self-service.

With Sapien, support conversations are public by default, and discoverable within your app. It's a new way to do customer support that your customers, and your team, will love.

We're just getting started.

Support-in-public is just the start. Here's what you'll be able to do with Sapien in 6 months time.

  • Build a thriving community

    Empower users to help each other, and become advocates for your product.
  • Give your support team the tools they deserve

    A fresh take on helpdesk and knowledgebase tools, blending discussions from your community with opinionated workflows.
  • Drive product decisions

    Gather insights from from user questions and community discussions to drive better product decision making.

What we're not building.

We're not building another tool to outsource your support team to AI.

  • We believe that AI has a place in your support solution, but users can feel the ick of AI-generated responses.
  • We believe that community is the future of user support. AI agents are not the right fit for teams who love their users.
Robot looking sad

Picking up what we're putting down?

Sign up here to be the first to know when we're ready to launch Sapien.

Do you have strong thoughts about the future of user support? We'd love to pick your brain.